"Creating food justice is essential to empowering resilient communities, and through that a righteous, democratic, and truly sustainable world"



A woman with a passion for good food, flowers, the environment, food sovereignty, social equity, and empowering oppressed and exploited communities. I have spent my life working with people in human services and educational environments.

I have also spent my life outside, either competing in sports, or growing things. One day I found myself making a living farming in New England.......the next transforming a geographically enormous independent school district's child nutrition program..........and now the executive director of a non-profit focused on feeding the hungry and food justice. AND I have just started to build my local flower business!


My “Mission”

What role do our local food networks play in cultivating a broader cooperative culture, communities of mutual sharing and social equity? Currently accessibility to sustainably grown local food is largely limited to the privileged; quickly defined as the upper middle class, educated  and/or "voluntarily poor". If we as "food activists" and farmers are going to be truly successful in challenging industrialized agriculture we will need to engage other communities. Communities of color, diverse ethnicity, low SES/underemployed, and those with disabilities and mental health issues. I am committed to working to help develop a broader coalition of food movement supporters from these communities.

As far as the things I grow…nothing much has changed other than I am now growing flowers to nourish peoples souls rather than food to nourish their bodies. My floral priority is to personally thrive while doing what I love, and to continue to make a difference! I believe that there is a better, more sustainable approach to flowers and floral designs within an industry that is traditionally not all too environmentally friendly.  I also believe it is important to educate people to the fact that a sustainable organic approach, whether it is food or flowers, is often more time consuming for the grower/florist and costs more to produce- I want my customers to understand the true value of buying local. Thanking you who share and help maintain my values.